Monday, December 7, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

What did we review & practise in class today?

    • Le petit Napoléon story – new vocab & structures, questions & answers, practise to retell in French
    • Learning Check-in :  to show how you are doing with making simple sentences using practised,  known vocabulary
    • Practise making meaningful sentences with the action words (verbs) on p 44 of your first unit package
    • Describing hair & eyes sentence builder on p 7

Things to do tonight:

    • Review vocabulary & structures practised in class
    • Complete ‘Describing hair & eyes’ activities on p 8-9
    • Practise for your interpretive learning check-in on Thursday (p 44 of 1st unit package)
    • Continue practising on The Language Gym
      • You can keep practising until you reach 100% accuracy 🙂


French 10

Français 10 Team

Students A-L:

Before your Wednesday class, make sure that you complete the work from class today:

  • Write your comparison paragraph on p5
  • Write advice for your partner p10/11
  • Read the dialogue on p 12 & complete exercise 11
  • Complete exercises 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 on p 14
  • Review structure on p 16 & do exercise 19

Continuing challenging your skills on The Language Gym!

  • I have added two more assignments to practise Daily Routine vocabulary in present & past tense

Students M-Z:

Check Friday’s post to ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for class tomorrow!



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