Wednesday, December 16, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

What did we review & practise in class today?

    • We had a pop learning check-in to receive feedback & see how our written French is progressing
    • We reviewed yesterday’s Napoléon story & questions
    • We read the eighth story in the Napoléon series & practised asking/answering questions orally with our partner
    • We reviewed & corrected the activities related to family on p 15-18 in Moi, ma famille & mes amis unit
    • We learned more about placement of describing words (adjectives) in French p 19-20 & completed the sentence work on p 21-22

Things to do tonight:


French 10

Français 10 Team

All students:

  • Review the present & past tense structures in your unit package
    • There will be a quick learning check in on Thursday to see what you understand & what you can produce (write) en français on this topic.
  • For a different perspective on forming the past tense in French, watch this video. They make it more fun!
  • Make sure you have read the text ‘La routine des soins personnels’ for pronunciation, new vocabulary and language structures
    • Complete the questions in full sentences 
  • Complete the ‘Talking About the Weekend’ activities on p 35-36 of your unit package





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