Tuesday, April 20, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Good work over the past two days, les amis! 

There will not be a Wednesday morning task to complete. Tomorrow morning is reserved for those who have outstanding assessments to complete or who need to meet with me for a grade conference. Please email me by 9pm tonight if you need to set up a time to meet with me tomorrow morning. 

M-Z Students

Please remember to drop off your End of Quarter Reflection tomorrow before your Block C class. It counts toward your learning engagement mark


French 11

French 11 Team


To be prepared for class tomorrow, please make sure you have completed today’s class work

  • Read Chapters 8, 9, 10 & complete all unit work for the 3 chapters








Monday, April 19, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Students M-Z

  • Your final French 10 course assessments are scheduled for tomorrow (Check the Qs for Madame channel discussion between Eileen & me from today for more details)
  • Your assessments will focus on our final unit topic, language structures and vocabulary & will include short tasks in all areas of communication
    • interpretive (listening/reading)
    • speaking (with partners – as we have been doing throughout the unit) 
    • a written paragraph

To prepare for your writing task, look at the following 2 restaurants in Québec City. 

  • Le lapin sauté (the site is down, but you have one of their menus on p 62 of your unit & there are lots of photos, info and reviews online if you google it)
  • Le cochon dingue https://www.cochondingue.com

The Cochon Dingue website also provides an English language option so that you can check your understanding of what is on the menu. 

I will provide the writing prompt on Monday/Tuesday, but you can prepare by

  • thinking about which restaurant you would want to eat at
  • how you would describe the decor/atmosphere of the restaurant
  • what you would eat & why
  • considering your general food preferences, how you typically eat at home, etc

***You can write some notes for yourself in English so that some of your ideas are already organized (and you don’t have to memorize the menu options from the restaurants)

***You will not have access to your unit packages. Review vocabulary and structures that we have been working on so that you can show what you have learned throughout the quarter. 

French 11

French 11 Team


To be prepared for class tomorrow, make sure you have completed your class work:

  • Read about Évangéline on p 24 
  • Listen to the song, Évangéline, here:
  • Complete the song lyrics on p 25
  • Read Chapters 6 & 7 and complete the chapter questions 
  • Be prepared to discuss and complete learning check-ins on the chapters you have read along with historical notes 








Friday, April 16, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Students M-Z

Here is the Alice in Paris episode for class today


  • Your final French 10 course assessments are scheduled for Monday/Tuesday next week (Check the Qs for Madame channel discussion between Eileen & me from today for more details)
  • Your assessments will focus on our final unit topic, language structures and vocabulary & will include short tasks in all areas of communication
    • interpretive (listening/reading)
    • speaking (with partners – as we have been doing throughout the unit) 
    • a written paragraph

To prepare for your writing task, look at the following 2 restaurants in Québec City. 

  • Le lapin sauté (the site is down, but you have one of their menus on p 62 of your unit & there are lots of photos, info and reviews online if you google it)
  • Le cochon dingue https://www.cochondingue.com

The Cochon Dingue website also provides an English language option so that you can check your understanding of what is on the menu. 

I will provide the writing prompt on Monday/Tuesday, but you can prepare by

  • thinking about which restaurant you would want to eat at
  • how you would describe the decor/atmosphere of the restaurant
  • what you would eat & why
  • considering your general food preferences, how you typically eat at home, etc

***You can write some notes for yourself in English so that some of your ideas are already organized (and you don’t have to memorize the menu options from the restaurants)

***You will not have access to your unit packages. Review vocabulary and structures that we have been working on so that you can show what you have learned throughout the quarter. 

French 11

French 11 Team


To be prepared for class on Monday & final tasks next week, please make sure you have

  • completed the paragraph on p 12 using the word cloud 
  • practised the target structures in conversation with partners on p  14 
  • read Chapitre 4
  • completed the chapter work on p 15 – 18
  • read & understood the journal extract on p 19 
  • written your responses to the pre-discussion questions on p15
  • read Chapitre 5
  • completed the chapter questions on p 21

***We will discuss chiac (p 13) together next week. Please skip for now.

*** Learning check in on Chapitre 1-5 next week.







Thursday, April 15, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


A-L Students:

  • Start your review of unit vocab & structures to prepare for the end of French 10 assessments next week

M-Z Students:

  • Make sure you have completed your Tues & Wed work for class tomorrow

French 11

French 11 Team


To be prepared for class tomorrow, please make sure you have completed your class work:

  • read up to the end of Chapitre 3 in the novel
  • finish unit work up to the end of p 11
  • review new vocab & make sure you have a good understanding of what has happened up to this point 







Wednesday, April 14, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Bon mercredi, les amis!

Your end of unit/quarter assessments are scheduled for Monday & Tuesday next week. To further prepare for the interpretive portion of your assessment, please do the following this morning

1.Watch Un pique-nique parisien & answer the questions (to be discussed in class)

  • What famous monument is shown?
  • What is Alice bringing to the picnic?
  • What are the challenges Alice faces as she crosses the park?
  • What does she forget?

2. Watch Les donuts français & answer the questions 

  • When are the donuts made?
  • How are they cooked?
  • Who does Alice buy them for?
  • Why does she have to wait?
  • What challenge does she face while waiting?
  • Finish her sentence:  “J’aurais dû tous _____  ________” (I should have….)

3. Watch this video & do Le Restaurant exercises on p 57-58 of your unit

4. Review your answers & make corrections to your classwork from this week using the following document. Make note of challenges you had & bring your questions to your next class.

Revision on p 28, 29, 30, 38, 42-43

FINALLY …. don’t forget your “50 more essential verb” check in on Thurs/Fri this week!

French 11

French 11 Team


For those who were absent from class today, please watch this short film by Frédéric Back that shows some important historical and cultural details about Québec. We will continue the discussion in class tomorrow after watching one last short piece.


After watching the following two video clips, please write your answers to these 4 questions

  1. Qui sont les Acadiens?
  2. Est-ce qu’Acadie existe toujours? Explique.
  3. Écris 5 faits (facts) importants dans l’histoire des Acadiens que tu as appris dans les deux vidéos. (Include the quote, in French, from the videos and write your understanding in English below it.)
  4. What did you notice about the Acadian French that you heard in the videos?







Tuesday, April 13, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


All Students 

***Check the blog tomorrow morning by 9:15 for assigned Wednesday tasks

Make sure you have completed/reviewed your classwork from yesterday/today

  • articles we use when talking about food  p 34-35
  • how the articles change when making negative statements p 36
  • how to replace food words with ‘en’ (for variety & to avoid repetition) p 37
  • practise using all the articles p 38
  • conversation practice & declining invitations using p 39-40
  • shopping in different stores & making a grocery list on p 42-43

For homework

  • Read the short text about going to a restaurant on p 44-45 & complete the practice activities on p 46
  • Review the lesson on p 47 & do the activities on p 48


French 11

French 11 Team


Bon travail aujourd’hui, les amis 🙂

Please watch this short, Québécois film to be ready for class tomorrow 






Monday, April 12, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Students A-L

Make sure you have completed/reviewed your classwork 

  • articles we use when talking about food  p 34-35
  • how the articles change when making negative statements p 36
  • how to replace food words with ‘en’ (for variety & to avoid repetition) p 37
  • practise using all the articles p 38
  • conversation practice & declining invitations using p 39-40
  • shopping in different stores & making a grocery list on p 42-43

For homework

  • Read the short text about going to a restaurant on p 44-45 & complete the practice activities on p 46

Students M-Z

Make sure you have completed your listening activities from your last class

French 11

French 11 Team


Tomorrow you will share your infographics & teach others about the country you studied

Be prepared to

  • answer follow up questions
  • share some info that is not included on your infographic
  • discuss your opinions, ideas and reactions to what you learned 










Friday, April 9, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


ALL Students 

To be prepared for class next week, please 

  • spend time studying the 50 MORE essential verbs … LEARNING CHECK IN Thurs/Fri next week
  • complete the activities on The Language Gym that were assigned before the break (by Sunday)
  • complete the following listening activities & written work on pages 27-31
  • p 27
  • p28

  • p 29


French 11

French 11 Team


  • Here is the song from class today (Practise the future simple with this song on p 65-66 in your unit)
  • Make sure you have completed your class work on p 59-60 & reviewed the directions on p20, 21, 22
  • For homework, complete the “Level Up” writing activity on p 46-47


  • Monday is an end of unit assessment day … some writing, some speaking, some reading
  • Good copy of your infographic is due tonight by 10 pm. Please return your rough draft & self-assessment by Monday.  
  • You will teach others about the country you learned about on Tuesday, April 16th
  • Language Gym activities must be completed by Sunday










Thursday, April 8, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Students A-L

To be prepared for class next Monday, please 

  • complete the activities on The Language Gym that were assigned before the break (by Sunday)
  • complete the following listening activities & written work on pages 27-31
  • p 27
  • p28

  • p 29

Students M-Z

To be prepared for class tomorrow, make sure that you have completed your Tuesday & Wednesday tasks



French 11

French 11 Team


To be prepared for class tomorrow (and the end of our unit next week), please


  • Good copy of your infographic is due by Friday evening at 10 pm 
  • You will teach others about the country you learned about on Tuesday, April 16th










Wednesday, April 7, 2021

French 10

French 10 Team


Bon mercredi les amis 🙂

Please complete the 4 activities below.

Please follow the instructions # 3 – 4 for your group    (A-L or M-Z – not both!)

All Students:

1.Watch Alice in Paris “Déjeuner sur le pouce” (Lunch on the go) here

2.  Write 5 questions (en français) to ask a partner about the episode at the beginning of your next class 

Students A-L

3. Please review the March 19th post to be sure that you are fully prepared for your next class

4. Complete work on pages 23-26 in your Mangeons unit before class tomorrow

Students M-Z

3. Go to the Questions Pour Madame channel and reply to the question by 9:30. React to at least 2 other classmates by 10:30.

4. Make sure you have completed your classwork from yesterday on pages 23-26 & spend some time reviewing the concepts and vocabulary


French 11

French 11 Team


To prepare for class tomorrow

  • make sure you have completed your classwork on pages 61- 63 
    • You will share your paragraph with partners at the beginning of class tomorrow
  • review the structure of le subjonctif on p 57-58 & the sentences that you wrote in class


  • Your good copy of the country infographic is due by Friday evening at 10 pm (at the latest) so that I can print them in colour on Saturday
  • You must self-evaluate your rough draft on the sheet provided & return the rough draft with your evaluation on Monday (or before if finished)
  • You will be teaching others about your country early next week (date to be confirmed tomorrow) 

***Language Gym activities must be completed by Sunday, April 11

***End of unit assessments coming up next week