Friday, April 1, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • worked through interpretive readings on p 26-27 & p 18, made note of new vocab and answered the questions on p 19

To be ready for class on Monday

  • review new vocab & concepts
  • make sure class work is complete 


FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • reviewed interpretive listening work from yesterday
  • worked through the interpretive reading on p 14-17 with partners
  • completed the activities on p 17-19 (NOT including Part C)

To be ready for class on Monday

  • review new vocab
  • make sure class work is finished
  • complete the interpretive listening on p 21 using this video


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • shared their personal opinions on yesterday’s topics with partners and in the larger group
  • participated in several mini-debates, spontaneously sharing opinions on a variety of topics

To be ready for class next week

  • Get some extra practice with the Québécois accent & some specific vocabulary with the videos below

    For fun….here’s one word that, in casual conversation or slang, has a LOT of different uses & meanings ! 








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