Wednesday, April 13, 2022

FR 10  Bloc 3

Français 10 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • reviewed ‘Talking About the Weekend” & using multiple timeframes
  • had their end of unit listening & reading interpretive

To be ready for class tomorrow

  • review your unit vocabulary, structures & notes

***End of unit writing assessment is tomorrow


FR 11  Bloc 4

Français 11 Team

The Language Gym

For class today, students

  • shared their castle of choice with partners

For tomorrow, students will

  • do the end of unit interpretive reading
  • continue to participate in castle conversations


FR 12  Bloc 5

Français 12 Team

The Language Gym

For tomorrow

  • be prepared to orally ask/answer questions about the petit Nicolas story
    • review the tenses, expressions and vocab from the story







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