French 10
- Study the new vocabulary. Review the dialogue & expressions on pages 20-21.
- Read through pages 22-23 & answer the questions.
French 11
- Watch the video and complete the online interpretive listening questions
French 12
- For tomorrow, everyone should be prepared to contribute to the conversation about Chapter 15.
- As discussed in class today, each group will be responsible for guiding the class discussion on a specific chapter of the novel. Each group must be present and prepared to participate on the day that we discuss the assigned chapter. Each one of you is also expected to continue to contribute to conversations each day.
- Chapter 15 – Ashley, Lucia, Hanie, Erica L, Hannah
- Chapter 16 – Maria, Erica G, Rachel, Sam
- Chapter 17 – Michael, Perla, Amy, Mazen
- Chapter 18 – Aaron, River
- Chapter 19 – Grace, Ryan, Nigel
- Chapter 20 – Jack, Angelo, Garry, William