Monday, November 2, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team



  • RE/IR verbs check-in on Wednesday
  • Napoléon interpretive check-in on Friday (Books 5-8)


French 11

Français 11 Team

For students A-L:

  • Ensure that you complete the class work from today (Chapitre 2 questions)
  • Before Thursday’s class, read chapters 3 & 4 and complete all work for those chapters in your unit package up to/including p18

Reminder for students M-Z. Complete the following to be ready for tomorrow:

  • Read & review p 2-3 of your new unit package
  • Read chapters 1 & 2 of Au revoir l’Acadie
  • Complete the quick ‘Who is it?’  p 4 of unit package
  • Review discussion questions on p 5 & be prepared to talk 
  • Watch the film by Frédéric Back, Crac!
  • Watch the film, La Chasse-Galérie
  • Do research, if necessary, to learn about the significance of the stories
  • Write a one page essay, in English, to show your understanding of the cultural and historical context of Le chandail de hockey, Crac! and La Chasse-Galérie