Tuesday, November 24, 2020

French 9

Français 9 Team

  • Review the sentence builder on p 28 & practise saying
    • what there is/isn’t in the classroom or in the pencil case
    • what you have/don’t have
    • what you need/don’t need
    • what your friend has/doesn’t have
    • what your friend needs/doesn’t need
  • Review the structures needed to talk about what different people have on p32
    • practise saying what age, what pet, what family, what courses & what school supplies different people have

***LEARNING CHECK-IN (interpretive) tomorrow on these structures & this vocabulary


French 10

Français 10 Team

All Students:

  • Review school words & sentence structure on p 12 of your intro unit 
  • Work through exercises on p 13-15
  • You will have other work assigned to complete on Wednesday. Complete these tonight so that the Wednesday workload is manageable 🙂 

***All students need to check the blog tomorrow after lunch for the virtual Wednesday assignment