Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

French 10

  • Re-read the article on page 9 for fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary
  • Write 3 questions in past tense  —  one for each student described in the article
  • Review the vocabulary on pages 10 – 11 of your unit package. Then, practise using the structure & vocabulary in 3 sentences of your own.


French 11

  • Read page 32
  • Highlight & determine meaning of new words


French 12

  • Finish reading to the end of Chapter 10. Pay close attention to the Citation Clé & the vocabulary you need to discuss or retell the chapter.
  • As discussed in class, I will not be collecting your packages at the end of this unit. The true/false questions are designed to guide your comprehension. Use your own discretion to decide if they are helpful to you. More time reading and learning new vocabulary may be more beneficial. Consider keeping a list of personal questions you have about the story and its meaning.

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